How to Tune into Your Body’s Alarm Signals and Feel Rejuvenated – Zenwise How to Tune into Your Body’s Alarm Signals and Feel Rejuvenated – Zenwise
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Does it ever feel like you’re juggling 20 things at once? In a time where we’re constantly moving, balancing our work and social lives, keeping up with the news, and squeezing in workouts, it’s easy to tune out and ignore what our bodies might be telling us.

It can be difficult sometimes to slow down, block the noise, and start listening to your body but in reality, that’s exactly what you need to do. We’ve got four tips to guide you on how to tune in to your body’s alarm signals that will leave you rejuvenated and back in control.

1. Slow Down.

Your body is likely sending you red flags throughout the day already but it’s impossible to listen to what it’s telling you if you’re constantly engulfed in this fast-paced life. Sure, you might be great at multitasking, but can you tell when you need to rest? Are you listening when your body reacts to stress?

The only way to slow down in life is to actually slow down in your day-to-day. Take a short walk in the morning before you start your day, eat a meal at a table instead of in the car or at your desk, disconnect from your phone throughout the day, and overall, scale back on what you’re committing yourself to.

2. Take a Rest Day. Or Two.

If the thought of skipping a workout, canceling your evening plans, or simply having a day to binge watch a show in bed makes you feel relief, it’s time to listen.

Backing off when your body nudges you doesn’t mean you’re not tough or lazy. In most cases, cutting back will actually improve your workouts, sleep, mental well-being, and energy for your mind and body. So, grab your calendar and block out some time to yourself!

3. Eat Mindfully.

Are you experiencing headaches or shakiness? Do you feel overly fatigued or having cloudy thoughts? Are you having intense cravings or feel bloated after a meal? These are all indicators that are likely nutrient related and might mean it’s time to take a closer look at what you’re eating and how your body is reacting to it.

Food plays a big role in our body’s signals; and while it can sometimes be complicated, connecting the dots between what you consume and how you feel will put you on the right track in no time.

Prior to eating, take note of your hunger levels and how you feel. During your meal, try to limit multitasking (driving, working, checking social media, etc.) while being mindful of each bite, chewing thoroughly. Then, after you’re done with the meal, take note of your hunger levels and assess how you feel (energetic, tired, content, etc.).

This process might feel a little overwhelming at first, but it only takes a handful of meals to identify foods that may not work well for you, nutrients you might be lacking, and if you’re eating too much or too little.

4. Practice Breathing.

We know you have a lot going on in your day-to-day, which means that taking time off, exploring in nature, or canceling plans may not be in the cards right now. However, you can make time for practicing your breathing every day.

Take five minutes to yourself, even if it’s before you get out of bed or starting your car to drive home. Close your eyes and focus on inhaling and exhaling. Doing so can reduce stress, anxiety, and negative feelings, leaving you ready to take on the rest of the day.

Like any other skill building, listening to your body is going to take some time, but don’t forget that you are the priority and the end result will be a better you! We would love to know if you have any additional tips and tricks that have helped you tune into your body so please share below!

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